For example, you can test two different subject lines to see which ones produce better open rates. Or you can have the same subject line, but use it for two slightly different email copies. You can then see which email produces more click-through and closings. Advanced email marketers actually use enterprise email systems that automatically segment mailing lists and Email Database run multi-variable tests. If you're just starting out, however, it's best to keep it simple. You also need to have a large-enough mailing list to make this work. If your mailing list is under 1,000, your test samples will probably be too small to generate reliable results. Secret 5: Don't get hung up on open rates Open rates are important, but they Email Database don't matter as much as click-through and conversion rates.
High open rates mean that they'll take a look at your email. High click-through rates means that they're now ready to take the next step toward a purchase. The bottom line is that you need a good subject line Email Database to get prospects to open your email. But you need a well-crafted marketing message to get your prospects moving toward a purchase. A good email marketing system will track both open rates and click-through rates. Successful email marketers understand that your focus needs to Email Database be on click-throughs... because those are your serious prospects.
That is Email Database why it is important to get this list and continue to grow it by establishing relationships with your subscribers. Provide them with Email Database quality content and offer them some freebies from time to time. Probably the hardest part would be to get your first subscriber. It will take a long time, but with the squeeze page, auto-responder and the offers ready, you'll get there in no time. Don't spend all of your time creating the perfect landing page. You Email Database can always make the changes once you start getting subscribers.
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